Dr. Allègre L. Hadida FRSA is Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), a Fellow and Director of Studies at Magdalene College, and a member of the Centre for Film and Screen and the Centre for Heritage Research, University of Cambridge. She has pioneered VR teaching and teaching and research in Cultural, Arts and Media Management and on Creativity in Business at CJBS and on the Cambridge MBA. Her research focuses on strategy in creative, arts and media organizations; improvisation and creativity in business; and temporary organizations, and she has developed teaching case studies on Columbia Pictures, Channel 4, and Oscar winning movie The King’s Speech. She has won numerous awards, including the 2011 Best Paper Prize at AIMAC (International Association for Arts and Cultural Management), the 2022 Mallen Award for Published Scholarly Contributions to Motion Picture Industry Studies, three CJBS Faculty Teaching Prizes, four Cambridge MBA Professor of the Year Awards, and the 2018 University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Her scholarly work is published in the Harvard Business Review and in international peer-reviewed journals, including Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes and the Journal of Marketing.

Relevant Publications:

  • Hadida, A.L., Lampel, J., Walls, W.D. and Joshi, A. (2021) “Hollywood studio filmmaking in the age of Netflix: a tale of two institutional logics.” Journal of Cultural Economics, 45(2): 213-238 (DOI: 10.1007/s10824-020-09379-z)
  • Hadida, A.L., Heide, J.B. and Bell, S. (2019) “The temporary marketing organization.” Journal of Marketing, 83(2): 1-18 (DOI: 10.1177/0022242918813119)
  • Finney, A. and Hadida, A.L. 2019 The King’s Speech Producers’ Dilemma (Case A). Case Centre Ref: 319-0043-1; 319-0043-8 (Teaching Note)
  • Finney, A. and Hadida, A.L. 2019 The King’s Speech Distribution Gambit (Case B). Case Centre Ref: 319-0043-1B; 319-0043-8 (Teaching Note)
  • Carrillat, F.A., Legoux, R. and Hadida, A.L. (2018) “Debates and assumptions about motion picture performance: a meta-analysis.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, 46(2): 273-299 (DOI: 10.1007/s11747-017-0561-6)
  • Durand, R. and Hadida, A.L. (2016) “Logic combination and performance across occupational communities: the case of French film directors.” Journal of Business Research, 69(7): 2371-2379 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.006)
  • Hadida, A.L. 2013. Institutions, Assets Combinations and Film Performance: A U.S.-French Comparison. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 7(2): 155-170.
  • Hadida, A.L. 2013. Strategic Assets and Performance across Institutional Environments. The Social Science of the Cinema. J. Kaufman & D.K. Simonton (Eds): 207-230. Oxford: OUP
  • Hadida, A.L. and Morris, C.E. (2013) “Channel 4 and the British television industry: 1982-2013 (Case A).” The Case Centre: 305-294-1 (case A); 305-294-8 (teaching note case A & B).
  • Hadida, A.L. and Astandu, T.V. (2013) “Big data and Channel 4 (Case B).” The Case Centre: 305-295-1 (case); 305-294-8 (teaching note case A & B).
  • Hadida, A.L. 2010. Commercial Success and Artistic Recognition of Motion Picture Projects. Journal of Cultural Economics, 34(1): 45-80. Translated to Chinese and reprinted in Studies in Culture and Art, 6(4), Oct. 2013.
  • Hadida, A.L. 2009. Motion Picture Performance: A Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(3): 297-335. Bridge video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHYrza28NZ0
  • Hadida, A.L. (2007) “The Rashomon case study: David Puttnam versus Columbia Pictures.” The Case Centre: 303-259-1 (case); 303-259-8 (teaching note).
  • Ghertman, M. and Hadida, A.L. 2005. Institutional Assets and Competitive Advantage of French over U.S. Cinema: 1895-1914. International Studies of Management and Organization, 35 (3): 52-83.

Contact details:

Cambridge Judge Business School
Trumpington Street

Cambridge Film & Screen

Email: office@film.cam.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1223 335057